Why Goal Setting is SMART


Goal setting can be an important tool for a person to have. It helps get you motivated and to focus on the things you want in life with a process of how to achieve them. Too often we set goals so broad and the process is not being broken down into manageable pieces and we tend to give up. SMART goals are a way of helping to break down any goal, big or small, into manageable pieces in order to accomplish your goals. Having SMART goals are an effective way of goal setting. It can lead to a more productive way of achieving those things we want to accomplish at work or in our personal lives.

SMART stands for S – Specific (or Significant), M – Measurable (or Meaningful), A – Attainable (or Action-Oriented),  R – Relevant (or Rewarding), T – Time-bound (or Tracking focused).


Break it Down

Look at the big picture and find something you want to change, improve or achieve – then break it down into bite size pieces. This will help you stay focused and make it manageable to conquer steps into the big picture goal. Goal setting can be used in so many aspects of life from education, professional, personal and even attitude. I have used SMART goals to help me conquer many goals and I will say it takes time to adapt to the process but the results are addictive.

Feeling the success of achieving any goal set for yourself helps build confidence and can create a more positive outlook for your future. An important aspect is to write it down! The act alone of writing your goals and the breaking down the process will help keep you focused and attentive to the success of these goals.

My advice is not too make too many goals at once, learn to really enjoy the process of successfully fulfilling each goal and give them the time and effort they deserve. Who know what you can accomplish setting SMART goals! Also remember every time you achieve a set goal reward yourself, you did it!

I attached a link to a website that is my go to for so many great resources on helping yourself to improve.


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