A Good Read on How to be an Engaged Employee

This is an article on employee engagement and how to help measure if you are engaged at your current position. It gives some steps on becoming a more engaged employee in the workplace.

Advantages of Being Engaged in the Workplace

The article describes how engagement is having a connection with the company you work with, which is some kind of organizational commitment that gives you an attachment or purpose to your work (Macey & Schneider, 2008). I believe this article offers some good suggestions of achieving engagement based on the four components which are the feeling of urgency, being focused, intensity and enthusiasm.

For example, having the ability to do what you do best every day because you know what is expected and have the right tools to perform. Also having the praise or recognition on your results can give an employees a sense of urgency and enthusiasm. When people at work encourage you do your best and push you to develop this creates a feeling of focus and intensity. Having the same values with the company and coworkers alike can lead an employee to act proactively in their work duties and also maybe take on role expansion.

Employees who get feedback on progress and opportunity to develop can have a sense of satisfaction with their work. Which in return causes them to be engaged. Having this kind of work environment allows for a person to grow and focus on their work. While the company will have the advantage of their worker putting more effort in work and being able to adapt to change. This article provides suggestions on how to improve your situation at work. Overall, having an environment to flourish in can result in great relationships, focused work, and aligned values to help create an engaged workplace.

Let me know which one you will start with today!

Link to the article from USNews:  http://money.usnews.com/money/blogs/outside-voices-careers/2015/04/22/12-ways-to-be-an-engaged-employee


Morgan, H. (2015, April 22). 12 Ways to Be an Engaged Employee. U.S. News. Web. Retrieved April 23, 2015.

Macey, W.H. & Schneider, B. (2008). The meaning of employee engagement. Industrial and Organizational Psychology, 1, 3-30.

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