Smarter Faster Better- Book Review

Book Review: Smarter Faster Better: The Secrets of Being Productive in Life and Business by Charles Duhigg I want to tell you I read this book but being in school with two classes each semester most of my reading is required text books and many (many, many) research articles. So how do I fit in…

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Job Performance Does Not Equal Job Satisfaction

Job performance is often perceived to be related to job satisfaction but the evidence shows there is not a high correlation, actually a fairly low one. So how many leaders out there are assuming the high job performance and measuring their employees job satisfaction? The link is to a study showing the lack of relationship:…

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Connection in Motivation, Commitment and Productivity

Do you agree with the connection in motivation, commitment and productivity? I encourage you to read the article at the link below and join the discussion:,%20Commitment,%20Productivity,%20Well-Being%20and%20Safety.pdf   The formula “performance = f (ability x motivation x opportunity)” is demonstrated in the article on how performance is a result of the combination of the three…

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