Carpe Diem

Seems simple “seize the day” but how many of us really do it? It takes a conscious effort to really apply this to your everyday life. You are not going to get today back once it’s over, so taking advantage of this time is truly priceless. Try planning your goals out for the day, they…

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What Work Should Really Be

Companies are always searching for ways to become more profitable and increase productivity, but at what cost? There are many issues that result in overworked and stressed out workers that can lead to health issues and other problems such as depression and alcohol abuse. A more recent concept to help battle this type of burnout…

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Smarter Faster Better- Book Review

Book Review: Smarter Faster Better: The Secrets of Being Productive in Life and Business by Charles Duhigg I want to tell you I read this book but being in school with two classes each semester most of my reading is required text books and many (many, many) research articles. So how do I fit in…

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Work Engagement – Get it now


It is hard to measure an employee’s engagement but there is a feel to it. You know when you are engaged in a task, it doesn’t necessarily mean you’re happy -you are focused on it and looking forward to the outcome. There are four main ‘feels’ to engagement which are: the feeling of urgency, being focused, having intensity and enthusiasm. 

These components together create an engaged person especially at work. When you have this winning combination the work that is produced is at its best, its engaged work with a person who took time to put complete focus into it with a level of intensity on achieving their goal and enjoyed the feeling of doing and completing. This recipe has other benefits as well, such as people who get this feeling tend to be persistent in this type of behavior and they take on new challenges with a positive mind. They also are more likely to expand their roles at work and more able to adapt to the changes occurring around them. It can be a win win situation because people want to feel engaged and companies want their employees to be engaged. The result is better work and more efficiency.
Here is an article from US News I found interesting on 12 ways to be an engaged employee and help you gain self-efficacy on work engagement. I hope you enjoy!

Enjoy and share!


Meaningful Workplace

I will post uplifting posts that I put into my organization’s newsletter I write monthly. I hope you enjoy them as much I enjoy writing them! In my endeavor for knowledge of business and the inner works of a successful company, I have come across ample amounts of information. In all this information I find…

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Job Performance Does Not Equal Job Satisfaction

Job performance is often perceived to be related to job satisfaction but the evidence shows there is not a high correlation, actually a fairly low one. So how many leaders out there are assuming the high job performance and measuring their employees job satisfaction? The link is to a study showing the lack of relationship:…

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The Can’t Rant

I hear it all the time; I know I use it more than I should that word: can’t. It should not be allowed. If you can’t do something, why? You need to figure out what the barrier is keeping you from achieving your goal. Do you need to train more, practice more, maybe you just…

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‘Conscious Business’ Book Review

This book is great for everyone in business and looking to improve their self. Talk about learning so much in how to understand people and yourself, and just become conscious. The best is I listened to this book through Amazon’s Audible in the car and the author himself narrates it. Fred Kofman has a great…

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Connection in Motivation, Commitment and Productivity

Do you agree with the connection in motivation, commitment and productivity? I encourage you to read the article at the link below and join the discussion:,%20Commitment,%20Productivity,%20Well-Being%20and%20Safety.pdf   The formula “performance = f (ability x motivation x opportunity)” is demonstrated in the article on how performance is a result of the combination of the three…

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