Remembering Orlando 2016 -Keeping Ethics During Orlando Tragedy

In honor of it’s one year, below is a post from last year right after the tragic event. It has been incredible the support and diveristy inclusion that has resulted. Orlando Strong….People Strong.    Thinking about ethics in the workplace this last week has become a tough situation to handle. I live in Orlando. About…

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Book Review – The 21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership – John C. Maxwell

Book review The 21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership: Follow Them and People Will Follow You By John C. Maxwell Another great book to help me improve and develop my leadership skills. John C. Maxwell is well credited with his ability to define leadership and apply it. I listened to this audio version and I always…

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APA Code of Ethics – Being An Ethical Leader Today

while most may not take the time to read or even glimpse through the APA Code of Ethics I find worth writing about since it ties into I/O Psychology which is directly related to organizations and their leaders…. The APA Code of Ethics It’s not that ethics has changed as much as it is how…

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Conflict Between Departments

Stereotyping in the work place isn’t always about the individual features such as gender or race but sometimes it is as simple as the department you work for within the company. In almost any work environment there is a hierarchy of management and under that, departments. Is one department really that much better than another?…

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The Coach Archetype: Why We All Need a Coach in Our Life

Knowing how someone ticks is an important aspect of my life and when I meet someone as passionate about it we usually click. I only got to work with *Howard for a short period but his effect has been inspiring.  Howard is a goal-setter and organized while deeply caring about the people he works with. …

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What Work Should Really Be

Companies are always searching for ways to become more profitable and increase productivity, but at what cost? There are many issues that result in overworked and stressed out workers that can lead to health issues and other problems such as depression and alcohol abuse. A more recent concept to help battle this type of burnout…

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Smarter Faster Better- Book Review

Book Review: Smarter Faster Better: The Secrets of Being Productive in Life and Business by Charles Duhigg I want to tell you I read this book but being in school with two classes each semester most of my reading is required text books and many (many, many) research articles. So how do I fit in…

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Leadership: Theory and Practice by Northouse Book Review

I am working on my masters on psychology in leadership (From Penn State University) and this book is our staple. Lucky for me it is a great read in general. It discusses all the different styles and types of leadership and addresses issues that surround leadership. I have learned so much with this one book…

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Being a Team Player!

Here is a muse on being a team player I wrote for a company newsletter…hope you enjoy! Being a part of a team is an important aspect of work life. It is rare for us to work solely alone never depending on anyone else. It is crucial for success in our business to be a…

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The Can’t Rant

I hear it all the time; I know I use it more than I should that word: can’t. It should not be allowed. If you can’t do something, why? You need to figure out what the barrier is keeping you from achieving your goal. Do you need to train more, practice more, maybe you just…

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