Smarter Faster Better- Book Review

Book Review:

Smarter Faster Better: The Secrets of Being Productive in Life and Business

by Charles Duhigg

I want to tell you I read this book but being in school with two classes each semester most of my reading is required text books and many (many, many) research articles. So how do I fit in a leisure reading book? Yes, this is leisure reading for me.

I listen to it. I joined Amazon Audible Book club and love it. I also check out audio books through my local library (really easy, just need a library card!). This is what I listen to when I am in the car after the kids are dropped off and I have 15 minutes or more in the car on my ride to work. I download to my phone app, connect my Bluetooth and begin enjoying a good book. Nothing like taking the advantage of commuting time. Okay enough how I get to read so many books now on to the book review!

Smarter Faster Better by Charles Duhigg is a fantastic read filled with awesome theories and how they have played out in real life scenarios. Not to mention how aligned it is right now with my current academic study. Even more awesome. At first I thought it was a lot of stories but learning about the concepts in my classes I realize they are great stories. You just have to follow them through. They are easy to understand and really give a unique insight to how certain things pan out the way they do. I highly recommend this read if you want to look deeper into how thought process, decision making and how the cognitive side of us works. I have learned so much I can apply in my personal life and my work life.

There was a tremendous amount of research that went into the concepts explained and being able to relate to real life situations made it easier to process and apply. You will learn about some interesting people and their story, you will recognize a lot of them as well. I found the connection with the real life stories demonstrating theories, situations and ideas really brought the concepts alive and imprinted into my brain.

One example is based on how making a small adjustment to a creative team stimulated them into creating one of the most successful movies, Frozen. As a mother of two girls this movie is one of our favorites and when I heard about how the story started, I was amazed on how it turned out.

I believe you can really learn a lot with this book and become more aware in goal setting, decision making and even motivation. It helped start my day off with a positive edge for the work day ahead. I reference this book often and it still motivates me to, well, be smarter, faster and better in my life.

If you have more than 10 or 15 minute commute why not ‘read’ a book. Expanding our minds is how we grow, develop and ultimately get ahead in the world. This is my fifth book this way and I’m hooked. What a great way to enjoy your personal time, learning.

I hope you enjoy this book. Look for my other book reviews, coming soon!


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