Book Review – Positive Leadership by Kim Cameron

Positive Leadership: Strategies for Extraordinary Performance

by Kim Cameron

This book is not what I first thought, even after reading the reviews. I am highly interested in positive leadership and well a positive life so I like to read books on the subject matter. I thought this would be lighter reading in all honestly but was pleasantly surprised it felt like a book I would read for one of my classes. I know it is not what most people might get excited about but I enjoy when empirical studies can back up theory and ideas. Makes the application of the theories and ideas seem more approachable to apply in the real world.

For Kim Cameron’s book on Positive Leadership I found he did a great job of taking real life techniques used in encouraging positive leadership and also backed the theories up with studies of empirical research. For some this might not be your type of book with continuous cited material and a crazy long list of references (8 pages to be exact) but it has become a norm for me studying for master’s degree. It also shows that Cameron did a thorough and diverse research on the topic. That adds a lot of credibility to the topic itself and the theories described in the book.

I like the real life scenarios explained in the book demonstrating techniques to bring positive leadership alive. Too often people talk about positive but the actions made are not positive. This book is a good example that for positive leadership to be achieved you really have to learn to apply positivity in every aspect of life. This is important for leaders are desire to be positive leaders and have a positive effect in their leadership.

Positive Leadership

I recommend this book if you are looking for more prescription theories to help apply positive leadership ideas. Although it can be inspiring it isn’t the easiest read. For someone who is quite used to reading scholarly article I enjoyed the read and always love the topic of positivity!

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